Privacy policy
This website is operated by: how about sports GMBH, Alter Platz 1, 9020 Klagenfurt. This notice describes how your personal data will be processed in connection with this website.
To the cookie/privacy settings (revocation of consent)
1. What data we process about you
In the course of your visit to this website, we will collect the following information: The date and time you access a page on our website, your IP address, the name and version of your web browser, the website (URL) you visited before accessing this website, certain cookies (see points below) and the personal data that you provide yourself by filling in the contact form (providing your name and email address) or the content of your email.
2. Cookies and external services
Our website uses cookies. Cookies are data records that are stored by the website or the server in your browser when you visit the website and are sent to the server each time you access the website. Cookies make it possible to save data (e.g. language settings, shopping basket content, login or registration status, etc.) in the browser between page calls or recurring visits. This means that the browser remembers the settings from the last call or visit to the website. Cookies can also be used to uniquely identify your browser. Among other things, this can be used to check your authorisation (login or registration status).
When you access our website for the first time, a notification banner appears, advising you that cookies are set, or external services are integrated. At the same time, the text informs you about the data processing supported by cookies and external services through a link to this privacy policy. In this banner, you have the option of consenting to the use of all services and cookies or individual categories (data protection categories). Your consent will be stored by means of a cookie for up to [pp-cookie-banner cookie-duration] in your browser. If you are under 14 years of age and wish to give your consent, you must ask your legal guardian for permission.
If you ignore the banner or refuse consent, no services or cookies that are not strictly necessary for the operation of the website will be activated. Please note that if you refuse or block cookies or external services, certain functions of the website will no longer be available and may prevent you from making full use of the website.
Privacy categories
We use so-called essential cookies and external services necessary for the operation of the website and its functions. These cookies and services cannot be refused. This may include the following functions: Shopping basket of an online shop, login status check cookie and other similar cookies and external services. These cookies are not used to track (trace) the visitor. Most of these cookies are deleted automatically after the browser is closed (session cookies).
Statistics, marketing
We use external services or cookies to measure the coverage of our website and the success of advertising measures and/or to increase the range of our website. This helps us to improve your experience on the website and our products or services.
External services of the category "Statistics, marketing":Google Analytics, Google Tag ManagerExternal media
We also use external services and cookies to better present the content of our website. These include, for example, services for the display and integration of images, videos, sound recordings, maps and other content from external services. If you have not yet given your consent to the use of the services in this category, you will be explicitly asked for your consent to the privacy policy of the respective service before using it.
Revocation of consent
Here you have the option to revoke your previously given consent to categories or services:
[pp-content-blocker show-all-revocation-links]
3. Contact
If you contact us via the contact form on this website, the comments function of the website, by e-mail or telephone, you agree to the transmission of your personal data mentioned under point 1 and to be contacted by e-mail or telephone. Your data will only be used to contact you and will not be passed on by us.
4. Tools and external services used
4.1. Google Analytics